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Net Zero 360 Southampton

25/03/2025 | 9:30am - 3:30pm

Event Location: Barclays Network Eagle Labs

Event Address: 23-25 Portland Terrace, Southampton, Hampshire, SO14 7EN

Event Website: https://solentbusinessandskills.com/

Contact Telephone: 023 80917875

Contact Email Address: tina.gynane@southamton.gov.uk

Event Description

Net Zero 360 offers a workshop to support businesses in their journey towards net-zero. This workshop will provide you with a solid grounding in net-zero business, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to measure, monitor and improve your own carbon footprint. So, if you want to be ahead of the curve, build your green credentials and achieve net zero status than this workshop is for you. Join a growing group of sustainability pioneers.

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Net Zero 360 Southampton

9.30am - 3.30pm

Barclays Network Eagle Labs




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